Friday, November 11, 2011

Receiving a woman's heart.

There are numerous books, thoughts, and teachings about men and women.  I've realized the reason there is so much out there is because this is still such a consistent problem.  I will primarily be speaking to men through this and  I also encourage comments, and your "two cents" on this because its something I will also be learning on for a long time.

Receiving a woman's heart:

The other night God revealed this lesson to me in a new light.  I was walking in a parking lot and was near this guys car.  This car looked like something you would see in a fast and furious movie, except it was a failure... you know the stupid looking car I'm talking about.  Well the owner (a ways off) thought I was checking out his car and he did not approve.  He began yelling and informed me messing with someones car was a good way to get shot among other things.  I simply laughed at him and went on about my business.  Later on I shared this special moment with my girlfriend and her response to this was "Please try to be careful".  Now guys I'm pretty sure we've all had a lady in our life say almost this exact thing to us.  Wife, girlfriend, or just close friend, we have all heard this before.  Now to be fair, guys, we will often times do... questionable things, especially with other guys.  My friends Thomas, Johnny and Josh can all testify to those moments with me.

Here is where things get interesting, how do we receive such a comment?  For every guy that has heard that line "please be careful" how many times have we responded with "yes mother"?  While sometimes the woman may be speaking from a place of trying to control and even mother, typically that is not the case.  As a man hearing this our first response is defensive.  We take this as she does not think we are capable of handling the situation.  But is that her heart? Is she attacking our masculinity?  The typical response of "yes mother" is so acidic to a woman's heart.  We receive it as her attacking us, and in turn we attack her...  This is whats known as a failure.

When I saw my girlfriend's response (this was through texting) I was surprised that I did not feel attacked.  I did not feel the urge to defend myself or belittle her.  That's because when I read it I knew her heart.  Her heart in that moment said the complete opposite of how we as men, and even myself, normally receive it.  Her heart was "I know you can handle this, but I'd rather you not prove it".  She was in no way doubting me, but was concerned for my safety.  If there had been a physical fight with that guy, regardless of the outcome he would have landed at least one punch.  She did not want to see me experience any pain.

The worst part about this situation is had I responded defensively, and thank God I did not, but it would have began laying a foundation that says "I don't need you, your opinion does not matter and your God given ability to nurture is not welcomed with me".   It would have been literally spatting at her heart, and those characteristics unique to a woman that is needed in a man's life.

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